
Early Education Program (EEP)

Southern Autistic School offers an Early Education Program for preschool aged children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis and a communication delay.

A child must be 3 by the 30th April for the 3 year old program and 4 by the 30th April for the 4 year old program. If a child will be 5 before the 30th April they are school-age.

The Early Education Program is run by experienced Special Education teachers who deliver a structured pre-school program to promote development in the key areas of communication, play, social skills and personal independence. Allied health professionals including speech pathologists, occupational therapists and psychologists provide a multidisciplinary team approach to support the teaching program.

The Program is guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and aims to contribute to children’s learning across the five learning and development outcomes:

  • Developing a strong sense of identity

  • Being connected with, and contributing to, his or her world

  • Having a strong sense of wellbeing

  • Being a confident and involved learner

  • Being an effective communicator

The Program is structured to address the needs of children with ASD by developing each child’s skills through play-based, relationship focused routines. Evidence based teaching strategies are used to develop skills that are often affected by ASD, such as:

  • Communication, for example understanding and using language, including requesting, sharing, giving and pointing

  • Social skills and engagement

  • Social and pretend play

  • Personal independence, for example eating, dressing, personal hygiene, chores

  • Gross and fine motor skills

How to apply

  • Book an EEP tour by contacting the Southern Autistic School office on 9563 8139

  • Provide proof of eligibility and relevant information/assessments